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Original Made in Sicily

FlatCap coppola Hats

New Collections Online

The Coppola Hatters
From Sicily with Love

All our Sicilian Coppola are an expression of craftsmanship and high quality. Using Modern Fabrics and Traditional Patterns we propose a new concept of the Sicilian Coppola enhancing the unique style of the iconic cap made in Sicily. Learn more about the Concept and CoppolaHatters signature creations.

Handmade Iconic
Sicilian Coppola FlatCap

Coppole Siciliane Vendita Online

The Coppola Hatters
Sicilian Artisan Laboratory

All our Sicilian Coppola are made in Sicily from the choice of fabrics to cutting on traditional pattern paper; from packaging to ironing into shape. We proudly ship our creations all over the world both to enthusiastsatima also to retailers.

Coppola Siciliana Classica Nera

Contattaci per ordinare la tua Coppola Siciliana Originale o per rivendere le nostre creazioni nel tuo shop

Contact CoppolaHatters to order your Original Sicilian Coppola Flat Cap or to resell our creations in your shop